Sheridan Small Homes (2019)

Designed by students at Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design, the Providence Small House borrows from the traditional three-story colonial house that dominates the landscape and applies a compact layout that offers flexibility in performance, design, cost, and setting. By occupying un-developed micro lots, the design challenges the preconceptions of developers towards these lots while offering affordable and energy efficient housing for low-income families. The design generates a solution to the housing deficit in the area through the implementation of energy-efficient and cost-effective design that hopes to create a greater neighborhood strategy. With strong economic factors, the implementation of this scheme would promote a higher demand for home ownership, in turn giving back more to the community. The project team included: David Ambie, Pedro Armelin, Anthony Azanon, Colin Christensen, Andrea Dragani, Hanbin Hou, Cauria Duarte Lutton, Hannah Gensaw, Andy Hojoa, Sung Hyun Hong, Jonathan Knowles, Cam Leandri, Jake Lefeber, Clay Lin, Kathryn Maher, Madeleine Reid, Alexa Thorne, Corey Weiss, Laurence Von Lignau, Jesus Melendez Vazquez, and Diyi Zhang
